
After being independent for our first four years, we joined the Montgomery Baptist Association, a part of the Southern Baptist Denomination, in November 2015. In addition to this partnership, we have assembled an oversight team of biblically qualified and seasoned men to encourage, instruct, guide and correct us during our formative years. These men have served us extremely well through our first five years. 

Currently, our deacons are Steward Hayles, Adam Alexander, Zachary Beasley II, David Morrison and Fredrick Turner. Terrence Jones and Alonzo Brown Jr. currently serve as our elders. We are in the process of cultivating future elders and deacons. Until then, a steering committee of current elders, deacons and other leaders has been formed. They assist the current elders in leading the church to create a culture of plurality in leadership.

The congregation also plays a vital role in the life of our church. We value the input and concern of each member. Large financial commitments, the selection of pastors/elders, and more need the support of the congregation to be considered official church decisions.


For our complete BYLAWS, please click (here). 


Our community has been plagued with vicious cycles of violence, drugs, prostitution, poverty, poor graduation rates and fatherless homes for decades. These circumstances combined create a sense of hopelessness. Many recognize the conditions, but turn a deaf ear. Others avoid the community due to feelings of fear and inadequacy. However, it is our conviction that through the gospel of Christ and His church, neighborhoods like ours can be radically impacted. Will all circumstances change? No! Yet, the sufficiency of Christ changes everything. We desire to be a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation” amongst our neighbors, displaying God’s character to people who desperately need Him.

core values






